Drone Surveys

Drone Surveys

Drone Site Surveys

We use drones that can give you a visual image from a bird’s eye view, which man cannot see.

Drone Surveys are used by construction workers, that is, they’re safe, to help them with an alternative visual option, which allows them to work smarter. We offer drones for every job. Whether you need accurate measurement, thermal testing, location progress monitoring, or if you want image accuracy, we can recommend our drone. We give you accurate data from captured images thanks to advanced technology that has flooded the entire world today.

Drone Surveys

Provides amazing distance measurement for surveyors. They can be used off-site, thanks to 3D scanning and photogrammetry software. This allows us to create visual models, geographic information, time and date stamps, to make the project as good and clear as possible. If you choose the right and good drone you can measure the field and the depth, volume, and distance in the field. This way you can observe us and see that we take care of the construction site and the health of our people, that they are preserved and well protected. All people who operate drones are certified for the job of a CSCS cardholder.

Drone Surveys can serve several purposes, it is up to you to decide which one you need. If you want to be safe around your construction site and have a sharp image from it, we work to do business with everyone. Decide on safety and quality, we can hire you who you want, we have several models You decide for your finances.

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